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New Workplace Mental Health e-module launched!

This free module will support you in leading out on workplace mental health and wellbeing. It aligns with our Wellness Works Framework.

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Creativity for Wellbeing Mindfulness Page
New Creativity for Wellbeing Workbook

A perfect gift for a loved one... or yourself.

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Promoting Mental Health, Wellbeing & Recovery

Mental Health Ireland is the longest established national mental health charity in Ireland. Throughout our history we and the Mental Health Associations have played a central role in reshaping how the public understand mental health issues.

Since our establishment in 1966, we have been front and centre in promoting mental health, supporting people with lived experience of mental health challenges in their recovery and bringing practical expression to national policy objectives.

Mental Health Ireland’s strategy Mental Health for All – Hope, Strength & Action 2022 – 2024 is an invitation to become involved in something bigger, to be part of a dynamic movement that makes a real difference to many peoples’ lives.

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Promoting Mental Health & Wellbeing



News and Events

image of dictionary definition of the word chronicBlog
14th August 2024

From Silent Suffering to Mental Strength: Battling Endometriosis 

This month we have a guest post from Hollie about her battle with endometriosis and how it impacted her physical and mental health. Hollie is 27 years old and from…
two people hiking at duskBlog
26th July 2024

15 Tips on Navigating Mental Health Challenges During the Summer Months 

Summer is here and many people look forward to the longer days, warm weather, and opportunities to relax and unwind. However, the summer months can present unique challenges especially if…
7th June 2024

Celebrating Men’s Health Week 2024: Why It Matters 

By Marie Duffy, PR & Communications Officer, Mental Health Ireland. From Monday, June 10th to Sunday, June 16th, Men's Health Week 2024 takes centre stage, shining a spotlight on the…


Most helplines can provide a listening service, give information and advice, provide emotional support or point you in the direction of other services. They are often free-phone services which are staffed by trained volunteers or employees.