Get Involved

Get Involved

Support Mental Health Ireland

There are many ways you can support Mental Health Ireland. We would be delighted to hear from you if you have any ideas for a fundraiser, if you are interested in volunteering, would like to set up and event in aid of Mental Health Ireland of if you’d like to make a donation.

By supporting Mental Health Ireland you could give someone hope and let them know they are not alone. With your help we can be there for everyone that needs us.

You’ll also find all our current news and blog posts in this section. If you are interested in sharing your story with us we would be delighted to hear from you. You may have written a blog or make a video or podcast already and we would be really interested to see it.

Become Part of The Solution, Volunteer, Donate, Set Up An Event or Local Association, Attend one of our Events, Fund raise.

Become Part of The Solution, Volunteer, Donate, Set Up An Event or Local Association, Attend one of our Events, Fund raise.

Help Fundraising

Your mental health is an essential part of your overall wellbeing – being comfortable, healthy and happy.

Mental health is more than the absence of mental ill health, but is something that everybody experiences over their lifetime. The World Health Organisation defines mental health as a “state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

Sign Up

To Support us Please Donate by Cheque, Paypal or Text ‘MHI’ to 50300 to Donate €4.

Your support enables us to continue our work in mental health promotion on a national and local level, to support youth projects around the country and to provide training bursaries for those in need.

News & Events

two people hiking at duskBlog
26th July 2024

15 Tips on Navigating Mental Health Challenges During the Summer Months 

Summer is here and many people look forward to the longer days, warm weather, and opportunities to relax and unwind. However, the summer months can present unique challenges especially if…
7th June 2024

Celebrating Men’s Health Week 2024: Why It Matters 

By Marie Duffy, PR & Communications Officer, Mental Health Ireland. From Monday, June 10th to Sunday, June 16th, Men's Health Week 2024 takes centre stage, shining a spotlight on the…
ANimated image of women of different ethnicities with the words International Women's Day 8 March written beside themBlogNews
5th March 2024

This International Women’s Day, Let’s Inspire Inclusion for All

International Women’s Day is on March 8th and this year’s theme is ‘Let’s inspire inclusion’. With well over a century of history and change, the first International Women's Day (IWD)…