
Organisational Fitness

Mental Health Ireland is a not for profit, (registered charity number 20008642) company limited by guarantee.

 Prioritising organisation fitness ensures we strive to achieve the highest standards with a focus on governance and accountability, developing a sustainable resource base for our work and an organisation that is fit for purpose.

In 2016, we were an early adopter of the code of practise for voluntary organisations  for Good Governance of Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations in Ireland.  This code has now been replaced by the Charities Regulator Governance Code and we are compliant with the code.

Key features of our Governance

We are governed by a Board of Volunteer Directors who are not paid for their time. Directors may claim travel expenses which are paid in accordance with civil service guidelines and must be vouched and authorised. Goal 9.1.1 of our strategy, under the theme Organisational Fitness, commits to ‘Appointing capable, diverse and questioning Board Members to enhance the process and quality of our decision making’

Board meetings take place 6 times a year with a number of subcommittees set up to address specific areas. All committees have written terms of reference.

Permanent sub committees include, the Finance and Audit Committee and Risk Management Committee.

The work of committees and attendance at committees is described in our Annual report.

The Board operate according to our memo and constitution and a detailed Director’s handbook. Memorandum and Articles of Association 2018

A conflict of interest policy is in place with a conflict of interest register. All conflicts of interest are declared at the start of all Board meetings.

Salaries paid to staff are aligned to HSE salary scales with no top up’s. Expenses are paid in accordance with civil service terms and conditions and must be authorised by a senior manager. The CEO’s expenses are authorised by the Chairperson. A credit card is held by two managers which operates under very strict conditions. Expenditure on credit cards is overseen by the Finance Manager who reviews expenditure and receipts every month.

We are a registered lobbyist and make quarterly returns to the Register of Lobbying. Lobbying is performed to promote positive mental health and wellbeing.

Fundraising & Volunteering

The majority of our income is received from the HSE under comprehensive Section 39 Service level Agreements.

These agreements detail the conditions and standards we must achieve in order to receive funding. Depending on the HSE area these are reviewed annually or quarterly. Full details of income received from the HSE can be found here in our annual reports.

We also engage in fundraising with the general public complying with the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public.

We use SORP accounting to ensure funds are spent only on the purposes specified by the donor.

We aim to act with respect, honesty, integrity and transparency. We are accountable for the funds we raise. Under Goal 10 of our strategy we are committed to diversifying our funding base and to utilise all resources in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner.

We do not do cash or on street collections. All donations are acknowledged and receipted.

Mental Health Ireland is a Triple Lock member (2024) 

 Complaints and Feedback

We welcome any suggestions, recommendations or comments made by service users, members, volunteers or members of the public regarding our organisation and services.

Our Mental Health Ireland Complaints Policy has been developed to ensure all complaints to us are dealt with in an open, efficient and sensitive manner with the highest regard for our service users, partners and our stakeholders.

Our detailed complaints policy can be found below.

Our Constitution

As a company limited by guarantee, we have a constitution which consists of a Memorandum and Articles of Association. This was last updated in 2018 in consultation with our members, the Revenue Commissioners, the Charities Regulator and with expert legal assistance.

The full Memorandum and Articles of Association can be found below.

Memorandum and Articles of Association 2018

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