Upcoming Events

Call to Action

Keep an eye on this page for upcoming events from Mental Health Ireland, along with information on how you can get involved! 

Become Part of The Solution, Volunteer, Donate, Set Up An Event or Local Association, Attend one of our Events, Fund raise.

Become Part of The Solution, Volunteer, Donate, Set Up An Event or Local Association, Attend one of our Events, Fund raise.

Set Up An Event

If you would like to organise an event to fundraise for Mental Health Ireland or your local Mental Health Association and you need a little help this event guide may be of assistance. Most events can be hosted virtually too if necessary and depending on current circumstances! 

Planning An Event

There are many types of events you can host or run to support Mental Health Ireland or your local Mental Health Association. By hosting an event you are raising awareness of mental health amongst your friends, families, community and peers.

You don’t need to be an event planner to organise an event. Here are some ideas of easy to organize events:

  1. Host a Walk and Talk or Connect Café event.
  2. Host a mental health talk inviting the community to attend. Topics could include Mindfulness, Stress or Anxiety.
  3. Host a quiz night in a local community hall or online via Zoom or other platforms. 
  4. Organise a football/hurling/ rugby blitz with your local clubs.
  5. Produce Mental Health displays for local schools, libraries, sports centres, hospitals and community centres.
Host a Walk & Talk

When Planning Your Event

Keep It Safe

  1. If you’re hosting a public event it’s worthwhile conducting a risk assessment to plan for any eventualities that may arise.
  2. You need to think about accessibility and if you are covered by public liability insurance.
  3. You need to provide appropriate supervision for children and at-risk adults.

Raise Some Money

If you fundraise for Mental Health Ireland or your local Mental Health Association all money raised will go directly back into the promotion of mental health in your local community and nationally.

You need to ensure you are collecting funds legally and adhering to MHI’s event standards. Here is a brief outline of your obligations.


  • You do not need a license to sell tickets for a raffle at a big event where the raffle forms a smaller part. You must sell the tickets and draw the prize at the event. This also applies to raffles to members of a local club, at private events or at work.
  • You must apply for a license to your local council for large scale lotteries where you are selling tickets to the public.


  • For collections in a supermarket, pub or shop seek the permission of the manager.
  • Street collections require permission from the local council.
  • Door-to-door collections require a permit from the council.

Alcohol and Food Safety

Get in touch


You may need sponsorship for your event in the form of a venue, food, beverages, goods or services. The first place you should look is your network of friends, family and local community. We are firm believers of “If you don’t ask, you’ll never know” so don’t be afraid to ask!

Some Guidelines

  • Have a clear vision of your event and be able to explain it well including where all funding raised will be donated.
  • We are happy to talk to any potential sponsors regarding your event and can be contacted on 01 284 1166
  • Approach each sponsor with a specific ask. Detail what you would like from them and why.
  • Ensure potential sponsors are compatible with your event and your goals.
  • Think about which businesses might benefit from a partnership with you going forward and how you can add value to them.
  • Identify successful businesses/ services in your local community including supermarkets, banks or sports groups who may have a charity fund.

Media and Social Media

Media Tips For Your Event

Tell Us About Your Event: Share Your Story 

Spread The Word on Social Media

If you are hosting an event what better way to spread the word than over Facebook and Twitter to your social networks.

You can create an event page for your event on Facebook inviting your friends and also post updates to your page.

Don’t forget to link in with us on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.

Use Your Local Networks

Local schools, libraries, colleges, councils, community organisations and businesses may agree to promote your event on their websites, newsletters or noticeboards. Remember, if you don’t ask, you’ll never know!

Local Networks

Contact your local paper and radio station with information about your event for their notice announcements. MHI Area Development Officers are available for media interviews locally and will be pitched to local media in advance.


Looking After Yourself and Others at Your Event

Be Prepared

  • If you do not have experience of dealing with mental health queries it would be a good idea to have someone on your team who has some experience in this area.
  • Is there a requirement for some peer support in case someone attending needs to talk to someone?

Practice Respectful Communication

Local schools, libraries, colleges, councils, community organisations and businesses may agree to promote your event on their websites, newsletters or noticeboards. Remember, if you don’t ask, you’ll never know!

Know Your Boundaries

  • Think in advance about what your boundaries are. What do you feel comfortable talking about? What do you need more information on? If you need to refer someone for support do you have that information to hand?
  • Be honest about your limitations… it’s ok not to know everything.

Look After Yourself and Your Team

  • Get together before your event and develop a plan to relieve your team of their duties every hour for a break.
  • Keep an eye out for each other at the event.
  • Have one point of contact for any emergency that may occur and be sure to communicate who this person is and a contact umber for him/her.
  • Finally, don’t forget to have fun yourselves!
Call MHI Fundraising

To Support us Please Donate by Cheque, Paypal or Text ‘MHI’ to 50300 to Donate €4.

Your support enables us to continue our work in mental health promotion on a national and local level, to support youth projects around the country and to provide training bursaries for those in need.


Be Active

Take Notice

Keep Learning


For Further Support Contact The Samaritans

Samaritans is a unique charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide. Every six seconds they respond to a call for help. They’re there 24/7, before, during and after a crisis and they make sure there’s always someone there, for anyone who needs someone.