
When families are experiencing the impact of a mental health challenge it is important that we have access to get the right information at the right time. Knowing where to go and how to access such information on supports for ourselves and our family or friends is the first step to recovery.

    Families need to know:
  • Who do I talk to and how do I get help?
  • When should I seek support?
  • What supports can I access?
  • What do I need and how should I find it?
  • What is a diagnosis/ do I need one?
  • How will I/my loved one/our family recover?
  • How does the mental health service work?
  • Who is on the MDT (Multi-Disciplinary Team)?
  • What are the different roles on the team?
  • What help can we expect from the team?

A starting point can be a phone call or visit to your family GP, or contacting the ‘Your Mental Health’ information line on 1800 111 888. If you need emotional support Samaritans are available on 116123 and in an emergency, you should dial 999 or 112.

There is a wealth of information available on for families and individuals who would like more information on mental health issues, coping with difficult situations, getting urgent help, looking after our mental health and information and advice for family and friends on specific issues such as diagnosis or sleeping issues.

The Family, Carer, and Supporter Guide was developed through coproduction by the National Office for Mental Health Engagement & Recovery and contains much helpful information. Click the image of the guide to download or view a full copy.