COVID19 Financial Support for Mental Health Ireland Members

Introduction and Background

COVID 19 continues to impact all our lives. We in Mental Health Ireland (MHI), acknowledge the work that Mental Health Association (MHAs) members are doing at the front line in promoting positive mental health, wellbeing and recovery during these tough times. MHI is very aware that for many MHAs, fundraising events have been cancelled or postponed in line with the public health restrictions arising from Covid-19.

This can severely impact on the work plans of MHAs. To support MHAs in continuing their valuable work, MHI is re-opening its emergency fund which was created to help MHAs deal with this situation. We are particularly keen to see MHAs who have not yet applied for funding, submit their request for support at this time. Your MHA can apply by completing the online form below and then printing and posting the signed form to us at Mental Health Ireland, Second Floor, Marina House, 11-13 Clarence Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin. A96 E289.

Key Dates

Closing Date for receipt of applications:                   Monday 23rd November at 4pm

Date of issue of approval to MHA:                              Friday 4th December 2020

Latest date for draw down of funds by MHA:          Friday 26th February 2021

Who can apply?

  • Mental Health Associations who have completed full charity registration or who are in the process of completing their registration and are members of Mental Health Ireland
  • Mental Health Associations who have not yet renewed their 2020 membership or are new MHA’s will be considered, however no grant can be paid until the MHA has renewed their 2020 membership and received Board approval for membership.

How much is the grant?

The amount of the grant is flexible in recognition of the varied work done by MHAs across the country. As such, MHI is prepared to consider requests for amounts ranging from a minimum of €500 up to a maximum of €7,500. There is a limited sum available under the MHI special COVID19 grant scheme. As such, MHAs who have not already benefitted from a previous grant from this fund will be treated on a priority basis. As before with the previous grant scheme, only one application per MHA will be considered.

What can the grant be used for?

Mental Health Ireland’s strategic plan – Empowerment – From Ideas to Action – 2019 – 2021 outlines how MHI will promote positive mental health, wellbeing and recovery in order to make a real difference too many peoples’ lives. Together with MHAs and other partners we can work towards a shared vison for an Ireland where mental health is valued as being an essential part of personal wellbeing and the health of the nation.

We are inviting MHAs to put forward their own ideas on how best to use the money allocated in a way that meets the strategic goals and commitments outlined in our strategy. There are certain types of activities which are excluded. Details of these are given further down this document.

Below is an example of initiatives your MHA could invest the MHA funding in, this is not an extensive list of activities but a sample of ideas. Please link with your Development Officer in order to establish the best activities for your MHA.

  • Resource materials – Printing of support materials – a list of resources are available on our website e.g. a pocket guide to dealing with anxiety/stress. Our Covid related resources – Family toolkit, Five Ways for Tough times images. Tell us how you will distribute these resources in your application.
  • Organise a seminar and invite local/national speakers on mental health and wellbeing related topics.
  • Host a ‘Socially distant’/virtual MHI Connect Café – video conferencing license
  • Host a 5000 steps to Wellbeing event
  • Host an award ceremony for schools in your area that entered the national Art & Photography competition.
  • “Mental Health Appreciation Day” for the community – Invite local organisations that support overall health and wellbeing to local centre/park – host stands for information etc.
  • The Five Ways to Wellbeing Community Installation Project
  • Support people to access online mental health resources

Please note that your application should make clear whether the funding will be used to continue providing existing services or whether a new service is being provided. Your application should be based on the MHA’s business plan and must comply with the Governments COVID19 public health requirements.

Costs which will not be funded by this grant

I. Funding of a social welfare nature to individuals as other charities can do this

II. Any expenditure on alcohol

III. Any expenditure on routine professional services. For example, many volunteers can provide accountancy services. Insurance is acceptable as this cannot be done by volunteers

IV. Travel and subsistence expenses of trustees

V. Individual training for trustees or trustee group unless specifically related to MHI strategy e.g. Taking minutes or Trustee group course on co-production training will be considered. Childcare training will not be considered

VI. Costs which are being funded by another grant e.g. COVID stability grant

VII. Activities which are not compliant with the Government’s COVID public health strategy e.g. funding of large face to face events

How will applications be assessed?

Priority will be given to applications which are:

All applications will be assessed by MHI. No trustees from MHAs will be involved in decisions on their own MHA.

Terms and Conditions

By applying for the grant MHAs undertake to:

  • Accept the decision of MHI as final
  • Sign and return the grant award confirmation letter signed by two officers of the MHA
  • Repay the grant if an MHA leaves MHI membership or disbands within 2 years of the grant being awarded on the following basis
    • Leave within 1 year – 50% of the grant,
    • Leave within 2 years – 20% of the grant
  • Provide financial reports to MHI (every 3 months) on utilisation of grant until such time as grant has been exhausted
  • MHI to be acknowledged in any allocation and MHI has the right to share this information in promotional, fundraising and Service Arrangement contexts.

As an organisation, we are committed to research and evaluation and believe it is important that we can measure what we do. In line with this commitment, all projects who are successful in their funding proposals will be requested to complete an evaluation feedback form on completion of your initiative.

Fill out the application form below.


When you click ‘Send’ we will get a copy of your application form. You will also get a copy sent to your own email. This copy will need to be printed out and an officer of the MHA must sign it before you post or email the signed form to Mental Health Ireland as a second step in this process.

    Include with Grant Application the following information:

    • 2019 accounts (can be uploaded with application form or submitted separately)

    • Details of how proposed grant will be spent if not enough space on this form

    • If you have not renewed your MHA annual membership yet, you will need to submit this paperwork.

    Upload supporting documentation here:

    Any one of the Chair, Secretary, or Treasurer must sign this form for the application to be accepted. By signing this form you indicate acceptance of the terms and conditions of this grant application and award. After you submit this form online, please print off copy, ask an officer to sign the form and post to Mental Health Ireland, Second Floor, Marina House, 11-13 Clarence Street, Dun Laoghaire, Do Dublin. A96 E289.

    Please give their details below. A signature line will be included on the form that is emailed to you.

    The next step is to have your printed application form signed by the Chairperson, Secretary or chair and post to Mental Health Ireland, Second Floor, Marina House, 11-13 Clarence Street, Dun Laoghaire, Do Dublin. A96 E289. Or you can submit the signed form electronically to