Mental Health Ireland has launched an innovation award to recognise mental health nurses who bring ‘new thinking’ to the field today – World Mental Health Day, October 10th.
Mental Health Ireland has launched the Kevin Plunkett Award to recognise the contribution of mental health nurses who have distinguished themselves in their role and to contribute to improving care and services for people using services and their families.
The Kevin Plunkett award is named after the former Area Director of Nursing for Waterford/Wexford Mental Health Service who passed away in May of this year.
Kevin was a dedicated mental health nurse and mental health volunteer who showed great courage and leadership throughout his career.
The Award will recognise and celebrate Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPN) who have shown innovation in areas which may include; Mental Health Promotion, Co-Production, Facilitating Recovery, Service Quality, Innovation and Improvement Public Understanding or Community Engagement.
Nominations will be accepted for nurses working in the public and private sector, hospital or community settings, NGOs, research, service improvement and the academic centres.
Mental Health Ireland’s CEO Martin Rogan says, “We wish to recognise mental health nurses who bring new thinking or fresh insights aligned to the recommendations of the new national mental health policy ‘Sharing the Vision’ and Mental Health Ireland’s own strategy. We also wish to acknowledge best practice, innovation, sustainable and impactful change being brought about by RPNs at all levels.”
Awards may be utilised to advance; Further Education / Training / Research / facilitate Educational Travel / Study / Conference attendance / Innovate / Pilot projects (small scale). Partnerships and evidence of co-production with people who use mental health services, family members will be distinct advantage.
Mental Health Ireland does not accept funding from or work in partnership with the Pharmaceutical, Alcohol or Gambling industries, the awards will reflect this position. In keeping with MHI’s co-production principles, a Working Group has been convened which includes a Mental Health Ireland Board Member, an Area Director of Nursing nominee, a member of Kevin Plunkett’s family and a Person with Lived Experience. Nomination and application is made via mental Health Ireland’s website.
The nomination processes will allow for self-nomination, nomination by peers, service users, supervisors and colleagues. The nominee must agree to have their name go forward.
Closing date for applications is Wednesday, December 15th 2021.
For more information on how to apply, visit www.mentalhealthireland.ie/education
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